The pioneering parking garage in reversible timber construction
The 5-story timber hybrid building is being built at the entrance of the city of Wendlingen as the start of a future urban quarter. Due to its proximity to the train station and direct connection to the highway, the building promotes environmentally friendly mobility through its park & ride function. Visitors have access to 350 parking spaces, 100 bicycle racks, and charging stations for electric cars and electric bikes.
The parking garage as the material warehouse of the future
The progressive timber construction allows for flexible repurposing options
Project data
Client Stadt Wendlingen am Neckar
Architect herrmann+bosch architekten
Finalization 2024
Project data
Gross floor area 9.615 mĀ²
Usable area 12.324 mĀ²
Gross cubic capacity 39.558 mĀ³
Span 16 m
Height 19 m
Services structural engineering