„More than a Bridge“

„More than a Bridge“

bridge construction, structural engineering  Services

Gustav Düsing GmbH, knippershelbig GmbH  Architect

Integral multifunctional pedestrian and cycling bridge over the Leitenbach


A new multifunctional integral bridge will soon connect the northern and southern parts of Gundelsheim. The design envisions an unusually wide bridge with integrated seating, creating pedestrian and cycling connections while also serving as a vibrant social space and providing a seamless link to the water, encouraging recreation and interaction with the stream. For events such as the Bach Festival, markets, or performances, the bridge can be temporarily covered with a modular canopy to accommodate various uses.

The material efficient steel construction will be achieved by two supporting integral ribs that also serve as urban furniture.

bridge construction
The primary load-bearing structure is designed as an integral bridge: The superstructure consists of a steel box girder construction that is monolithically connected to the foundations. This design eliminates the need for maintenance-intensive joints and bearing structures. As a result, the superstructure is rigidly clamped into the foundations on both sides. The girder geometry is specifically adapted to this concept: At the supports, the girder widens, forming a centrally positioned expansion at the underside. The bearing block, protruding above the pedestrian surface, distinctly marks the visible point of restraint. The superstructure is made of steel S 355 and executed as a fully welded, sealed steel box girder. With plate thicknesses ranging from 6 to 20 millimeters, graded according to structural demands, and stiffeners and ribs preventing local buckling, a material-efficient construction is achieved. All galvanized steel surfaces are easily accessible, inspectable, and thus simple to maintain when necessary. This ensures a highly economical structural solution in both construction and maintenance.

Project data

Client Gemeinde Gundelsheim

Architect Gustav Düsing GmbH, knippershelbig GmbH

Collaborators studio erde

Services bridge construction, structural engineering